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Editor's Note: This growing directory is manually maintained and automatically tested for broken links once a month. Links which appear broken for three or more consecutive months are deleted.

Should there be anything wrong with an entry, let me know and I will be glad to correct it.
Note: an entry can appear in several categories.

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EVENTSmajor Congresses, Conferences and Meetings
INSTITUTIONSInternational, Europe, USA, Other
DATABASESincluding DataSheets and Link Directories
JOURNALSincluding e-Zines and Forums and Blogs
DICTIONARIESEncyclopedias and Wiki's
NOBEL Prizesand Pioneers
HISTORYand Milestones
INFORMATIONsources: Articles, Libraries, References (books lists)
PROGRAMMABLELogic, HDLs, IPs, FPGA & ASIC development Tools & Boards, Micros
SOFTWAREFree / Low-cost and Commercial
INSTRUMENTSincluding used ones
COMPONENTSProducers and specialized Distributors
MATERIALSand their Producers and Distributors
COMPANIES.. other & categories: Signal I/O, RF/MW, PCB's, JTAG & Boundary, USB to X
DISTRIBUTORSand electronic super-markets with large catalogs
SPECIAL Topicsof mine: Drivers, EMC, Nanotech, Organics, Spintronics

EVENTS: Conferences, Major Meetings, .. (links to external lists)

- IEEE list of Conferences and Events.
- Electronics Forum list of events.
- FPGA Central list of events.
- List of VLSI / IC Conferences and Workshops.
- TrackChair list of events.
- Conference Alerts (search for 'electronics').

INSTITUTIONS, Associations and Groups

For a more generic Directory, see Stan's links to Science Institutions.

  • International:
  • ASTM, formerly American Society for Testing and Materials.
  • CODATACommittee on Data for Science and Technology.
  • IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission.
  • IEEE, formerly the US Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • IEEE Societies (the master list).
  • ITUInternational Telecommunication Union (ex CCITT).
  • Europe:
  • BIPM. Home page of the SI System of Units. English version.
  • ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute.
  • IETInstitution of Engineering and Technology, formerly IEE. UK.
  • IMEC, A European independent research center in micro- and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, enabling design methods and technologies for ICT systems. Based in Belgium.
  • LPRALow Power Radio Association.
  • Office of Communications, formerly Radiocommunications Agency. UK.
  • RSGB, the Radio Society of Great Britain.
  • USA:
  • ARRL, the Association for Amateur Radio, or American Radio Relay League.
  • FCC, the Federal Communications Commission.
  • Elsewhere:
  • VCCIVoluntary Council for Control of Interference. Japan.


  • ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute. (US)
  • ASQAmerican Society for Quality. (US)
  • ASTM, formerly American Society for Testing and Materials. (International)
  • BIPM. Home page of the SI System of Units. English version. (International)
  • CENComitè Européen de Normalization (European Committee for Standardization).
  • ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute.
  • FCCFederal Communications Commission (USA).
  • IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission.
  • IEEE standards. See also the online IEEE standards page. (International)
  • ISOInternational Organization for Standardization.
  • NIST. National Institute of Standards. (US)

DATABASES, DataSheets and Directories

  • Control Engineering news.
  • Constants of Physics and Mathematics.
  • Engineering Fundamentals database.
  • SI Dimensions of Physical Quantities, including electro-magnetic.
  • Tables of SI Units and Prefixes.
  • Datasheets:
  • AllDatasheet searches.
  • Datasheet Catalog and searches.
  • Datasheet Locator is multi-lingual.
  • Datasheet Zone (DZ863). Nice collection.
  • Free Datasheets. Nice collection.
  • The Datasheet Archive. A kind of search engine.
  • Directories:
  • CXI links page of Andy Collinson is well kept (for electronic and radio hobbyists).
  • Freebyte's Guide to Electronics Online. Sites with free/low-cost contents. Circuits, Software, ..

JOURNALS, e-Zines, Forums and Blogs

  • Circuit Cellar. A magazine by engineers, for engineers ..
  • Free Engeneering Magazines and white papers at TradePub (NetLine Corporation).
    An extensive list of free trade publications.
  • Microwave Journal.
  • Xilinx Xcell Publications. Dedicated to FPGA and Embedded design.
  • e-Zines, Forums and Portals:
  • All about Circuits. Very good.
  • CIE. Components in Electronics.
  • DSPRelated forum dedicated to DSP (Digital Signal Processing) matters. Excellent.
  • EE Times newspaper.
  • EE Web. A lively community with lots of resources and a forum ..
  • Electronic Design.
  • Electronic Engineering Journal (EE Journal).
  • ElectronicsForu.
  • Electronics Weekly.
  • FPGA Central.
  • FPGA and Structured ASIC Journal.
  • GlobalSpec, a huge Engineering Search Engine; nice categories list.
  • HardWare server. In Czech language.
  • IC Design and Verification Journal.
  • Open Collector listings and news for free EDA software and circuit designs.
  • OpenCores. Free FPGA designs, ideas, ..
  • PC Review. Computer news and reviews.
  • RF Cafe. A complete RF universe.
  • RF Globalnet magazine.
  • Sensors Online magazine.
  • SOC central. News portal for systems-on-chip ..
  • Techfocus Media Publications. Free online e-Zines.
    FPGA Journal,Embedded Technology Journal,IC Journal.
  • Test & Measurement World, an e-Zine.
  • Webring of Scientific Instrumentation.
  • Blogs:

DICTIONARIES, Encyclopedias and Wikis

  • BABEL. On-line Glossary of Computer-Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • DiracDelta, a Science & Engineering Encyclopedia.
  • Educypedia section on electronics.
  • Microwaves 101, an encyclopedia, plus many educational resources.
  • TechWeb Encyclopedia.
  • Wikis:
  • FreePCB Wiki.
  • gEDA Wiki, an umbrella organization dedicated to producing free software tools for electronic design.
  • Webopedia A computer encyclopedia.
  • Wikibooks entry on Electronics.
  • Wikipedia entry on Electronics.

NOBEL Prize laureates and other Pioneers

I have selected only the prizes awarded for work which, in my opinion, had a direct effect on electronics.

  • 2007: Giant magntoresistance (A.Fert and P.Grünberg).
  • 2000: High-speed- and opto-electronics (Z.I.Alferov, H.Kroemer) and
    Integrated circuits (J.S.Kilby).
  • 1985: Quantized Hall effect (K. von Klitzing).
  • 1973: Josephson effect and tunneling phenomena (L.Esaki, I.Giaever, B.D.Josephson).
  • 1972: Superconductivity (J.Bardeen, L.N.Cooper, J.R.Schrieffer).
  • 1970: Anti-ferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism (L.E.F.Néel).
  • 1964: Maser - Laser (C.H.Townes, N.G.Basov, A.M.Prokhorov).
  • 1956: Transistor (W.B.Shockley, J.Bardeen, W.H.Brattain).
  • 1928: Thermionic effect (O.W.Richardson).
  • 1923: Measurement of the charge of an electron (R.A.Millikan).
  • 1921: Photoelectric effect (A.Einstein).
  • 1909: Wireless telegraphy (G.Marconi and K.F.Braun).
  • 1906: Conduction in gases (J.J.Tomson).
  • 1905: Cathode rays (P.E.A. von Lennard).
  • Other pioneers:

HISTORY and Milestones

  • Biographical memoire of Sidney Darlington by Irwin W.Sanberg and Ernest S.Kuh.
  • Computer History Museum.
  • Stichting Computermuseum. in Dutch.
  • The Making of Arduino.
  • Milestones:
  • 100 Years of Radio1901-2001.

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EDUCATION and Fun/Hobby

  • !!! Free online EEE Texts. Start from here.
  • Aaron's pages. Great for (certain) kids.
  • ASIC World for beginners by Deepak Kumar Tala. Excellent. See all the tutorials:
  • Basic Electronics on-line course on 101 Science.
  • Books on Electronic and Electric Engineering. A huge list sorted by year.
  • Books about Digital Signal Processing. A huge list sorted by year.
  • Bowden's Hobby Circuits. This is a must.
  • Courses in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT Open CourseWare. Free.
  • CXI (Circuits Exchange International) of Andy Collinson.
    Electronic and radio schematics, design, theory, tutorials, analysis, links ..
  • Electronics Tutorials. Recommended categories: basic electronics, kits, humour.
  • Electronic Concepts at 'Bill' of Science eBooks. Basic electric and electronic pronciples.
  • Fourier-Series site carries a large series of audio tutorials on many electronics topics.
  • Gian Grandi's site. Info, links and web calculators for ham radio, antennas, etc. Very nice.
  • Smith chart article on Wikipedia.
  • Wikibooks entry on Electronics.
  • Wikipedia entry on Electronics.
  • Fun, hobby circuits, ..
  • Crystal Radio. Crystal radios, kits, parts, and supplies for the radio enthusiast.
  • CXI (Circuits Exchange International) of Andy Collinson. See schematics.
  • Lie detector you can build yourself.

INFO .. Articles, Libraries, References (Book lists)

  • ASIC World. Excellent introduction to HDL.
  • Beyond Logic. Info, drivers, software, .. about USB, PP, TCP/IP, Ethernet, ..
  • Capacitor Label Codes from Transtronics.
  • Chokes coding from MarVac.
  • Code des couleurs des résistances. French.
  • Color codes on Elektron BBS. German.
  • Components color codes in Techlib
  • Circuits, pinouts, articles. Also in Russian.
  • Free Information Society, electronics section.
  • Group Delay at Wikipedia.
  • How does RFID-radar work.
  • Inductor Color Code Guide from Electronix Express.
  • JESD204 serial interface standard for ADC's.
  • Keith Snook's pages:Projects (DC to Daylight),
    Valve data& valve audio articles,and Color codes (resistors and capacitors).
  • Monachos Mechanical Engineering. Motor calculations and similar.
  • PLX. PCI interfaces and info.
  • Resistor Color Code Guide from Electronix Express.
  • Resistor Label Codes from Transtronics.
  • Resistor & Other Component Identification by M.LaLena. Nice old page.
  • The DX Zone. A huge Ham Radio Resource Guide.
  • TNT-Audio Online HiFi Review. Italiano and English.
  • VERILOG Online Reference by Sutherland S. Available also as ZIP / TAR. Excellent.
  • WebEE Schematics, Software tools, Tutorials, and much more.
  • Specific Articles:
  • Coaxial cables on Wikipedia. In-depth and nice.
  • Frequency generation technology article from PTS.
  • Group Delay Explanations and Applications by Peter White (Applied Radio Labs).
  • Next-generation RAM: Remembering The Future.
  • Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise.
  • Passive Electronic Components: Color Codes.
  • Passive Electronic Components: Standard Values.
  • Smith S.W.,The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing,
    California Technical Publishing 1997. Download individual Chapters for free.
  • Libraries:
  • Mentor Graphics technical publications library.
  • Stan's Library section on Electronics.
  • Technical Library for the hobbyist and experimenter. Concentrates on electronics.
  • Lists of books and references:
  • !!! Free online EEE Texts, a list maintained by Stan Sykora.
  • Books on Electronic and Electric Engineering. A huge, up-to-date list of books sorted by year.
  • Books on Digital Signal Processing.A huge, up-to-date list of books sorted by year. Includes books on embedded systems.
  • Books on Instruments and Sensors.A huge, up-to-date list of books sorted by year.
  • Intel ® 64 and IA-32 Manuals. A complete set of 9 PDF manuals for all Intel microprocessors.
  • Online electronics books. List of free EE books on the web.
  • SciTech Publishing (and Noble Publishing) list of books.
  • Units of Measurement. Collected references.


including HDLs, IPs, FPGA & ASIC development Tools & Boards, Micros

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  • EG3. Embedded systems, including systems-on-chip, ..
  • SOC central. A portal for systems-on-chip ..
  • HDL (Hardware Development Languages):
  • ASIC World by Deepak Kumar Tala. Excellent. See all the tutorials:
  • HdlSnippets collected by abettino.
  • HDL Works offers a nice and free HDL editor(Scriptum), plus a lot of other VHDL/Verilog design tools, including translators from Altera and Fujitsu HDL into VHDL/Verilog.
  • Impulse Accelerated Technologies offer a C-to-FPGA compiler.
  • OSCI Open SystemC Initiative.
  • Verilog.Net. See their free tools and tutorials.
  • VERILOG Online Reference Guides by Stuart Sutherland.
  • VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted. Nice article by Douglas Smith
  • VHDL OnLine by W.H.GlauertVery good.
  • IP (Intellectual Property):
  • Altera IP Megafunctions. Free and commercial IP's ..
  • Cross Bow IP. Parallel processing with MicroBlaze.
  • OpenCores. Free designs, ideas, ..
  • OptNgn offer FPGA acceleration libraries and services.
    Introductory offer: open source FPGA Floating Point Math Library.
  • Xilinx IP Center. Free and commercial IP's ..
  • FPGA Tools other than the above:
  • Altera's Signal Integrity Center.
  • Andraka Consulting Group. The high performance FPGA design specialist.
    Lots of info and algorithms (see, for example, the CORDIC stuff)
  • BurchED. Videos & consulting on how to start with Xilinx FPGA's.
  • Doulos consulting and training on SoC, FPGA &ASIC design and verification.
  • FlashCORE from Data-IO. A powerful set of commercial tools.
  • FPGA Central e-Zine.
  • FPGA Faq server. Lots of FPGA info and complete designs.
  • Giga Test specialize on signal integrity. Partner of Agilent.
  • Mediatronix. Free PicoBlaze IDE, FIR, DDC and JTAG tools (click on tools).
  • Mentor Graphics FPGA / PLD pages.
  • Quartus II download from Altera; free and complete for Altera FGA development.
  • Synplicity from Synopsis. Programmable logic verification tools.
  • Webpack ISE download from Xilinx; free and complete for Xilinx FPGA development.
  • Xilinx 7 Series FPGA's launch page and White Papers.
  • FPGA boards:
  • Altera development kits.
  • Dini Group. Logic and ASIC Emulation, FPGA Boards (Xilinx, Altera). (California, China, Japan).
  • Easy FPGA. Low-cost FPGA boards. USB interface. (California).
  • FTDIFuture Technology Devices International. USB chips/modules, some with micros or FPGA's.
  • Hunt Engineering. USB programmable DSP and FPGA boards. (UK).
  • NU Horizons. Distributes FPGA boards and PLD's from many producers.
  • Opal Kelly. Convenient USB FPGA boards (Spartan 3). (Oregon, USA).
  • Orange Tree Technologies. Low-cost USB Spartan 3 boards (ZEST..). (UK).
  • Stone Ridge Technology. High performance computing with reconfigurable FPGAs. (Maryland, USA).
  • Trenz Electonic. FPGA boards, ARM CPU modules, electronic development services. (Germany).
  • XESS FPGA and CPLD boards. Xilinx Spartan 3; low-cost. (North Carolina).
  • Xilinx boards & development kits.
  • Micros (boards, accessories, etc):
  • Arduino. The most popular micro & programmable kits.
    Open access, open source, open hardware. Great!
  • MC Pros. Development tools for all major microcontroller architectures.

SOFTWARE for Electronics

  • Free, open-source and/or low-cost:
  • ABACOM low-cost electronics software (sPlan, Sprint-layout,LochMaster, ..).
  • Advanced Microsystems (AMS). Large set of low cost cross-assemblers for all kinds of micros.
  • AS. The mythical cross-assembler of Alfred Arnold et al.
  • Beyond Logic. Info, drivers, software, .. about USB, PP, TCP/IP, Ethernet, ..
  • Calculator++, a cross-platform (Java) arbitrary-precision calculator.
  • Capilano Computing. DesignWorks - easy-to-use electronic circuit schematic drawing tools.
  • Circuit Design simulation Component 4.0. Free C++ GUI source code Win32 from uCanCode,
    distributed by Brothersoft. For Win programmers!
  • Eagle Light freeware. PCB layout + schematic + autorouter.Also in USA.
  • FidoCAD. A free and portable standard for schematics design. In Italiano.
  • Freebyte's Guide to free Assembly programming. A very good list of links.
  • Freebyte's Guide to Electronics Online. Sites with free/low-cost contents. Circuits, Software, ..
  • FPGA Floating Point Math Library. Introductory offer from OptNgn.
  • FreePCB, an open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows.
  • FreeRouting, a PCB router with a free Web version.
  • gEDA project, a large, free suite of Electronic Design Automation tools.
  • Gerbv, a free Gerber files viewer.
  • GNU Free Software Directory, free, serious, official. And GREAT.
  • Graph paper to print. Various formats, including Smith chart.
  • Giangrandi's site. Calculators, info and links for ham radio, antennas, etc. Very nice.
  • Kicad, an open source software for creation of electronic schematics and PCB artwork.
  • MathStudio a great low-cost graphing and symbolic math app for mobiles and Windows.
    Goes also under the name SpaceTime.
  • Open Collector listings and news for free EDA software and circuit designs.
  • PCB123. Free PCB software from Sunstone Circuits, a PCB printing Company (Oregon,USA).
    Covers also schematics drawing.
  • Power Engineer Visualization Component 4.0. Free C++ GUI source code Win32 from uCanCode,
    distributed by Brothersoft. For Win programmers!
  • PSPICE page. A nice intro to SPICE and PSPICE by R.V.Jones (Harvard Uni). Many links.
  • TTE Systems. RapidiTTy software tools for embedded applications (ARM, 8051).
  • Scriptum form HDL Works: a nice and free HDL editor.
  • Target 3001 electronics CAD freeware version.
  • VHDL Simili from Symphony EDA: they offer a nice free edition.
  • Web EE downloads.
  • Commercial software:
  • AMS - Advanced Microsystems. Large set of low cost cross-assemblers for all kinds of micros.
  • ANSYS. Low and high frequency engineering simulation software.
  • Comsol Multiphysics engineering simulation software.
  • Connect EDA, home of the ELECTRA autorouter.
  • CadSoft, home of EAGLE. PCB layout + schematic + autorouter.Also in USA.
  • HDL Works. FPGA design tools and HDL translators.
  • Holophase Inc. Home of the CIRCAD PCB Design package.
  • MathWorks. Home of Matlab. DSP design, signal processing, ..
  • Mentor Graphics design tools. This is a giant in the field.
  • SimApp. Affordable dynamic simulation for modeling systems in time/frequency domains.
  • Symphony EDA. Low cost VHDL editor, compiler and simulator. Free edition available.
  • Synplicity FPGA, DSL and Verification tools.
  • Target 3001. Electronics CAD software. Versions for all needs and pockets.

INSTRUMENT Producers and Distributors

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  • AAronia AG. Spectrum analyzers of all kinds (the Spectran mark). German.
  • Agilent Technologies. Scopes, instruments, ..
  • DataAq. Data acquisition systems.For USB scopes see this page.
  • Elpav Instruments. Distributes Hameg, Owon,.Hantek, Instek, .. (Italy).
  • EST. Distributori di strumentazione di Misura per l'Elettronica (Italy).
  • GaGe PCI and PXI digitizer boards. PC oscilloscopes. Distributors worldwide.
  • Global Test Supply is a huge distributor (sale or rent).
  • GW Instek. Oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, spectrum analyzers.
  • Hameg Instruments. Economic European scopes and test equipment.
  • Hantek. Affordable hend-held and USB scopes (Germany).
  • Instek. Affordable scopes and instrumentation (Cina, with strong US presence).
  • Keithley Instruments. A broad range of measurement products and lab tools.
  • LeCroy. High quality scopes and other instruments.
  • Link Instruments. Have also USB scopes and logic analyzers.
  • MCH Instruments, a Chinese instrumentation producer.
  • National Instruments. Instruments for data acquisition; LabView software.
  • NeoMore. Logic analyzer, USB scope, single-board computers, etc. Interesting. France.
  • Orange Technologies USB FPGA boards ZestSC1,2. (UK).
  • Oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, .. Links.
  • Oscium. iOS instrumentats (for iPod, iPhone). Power meter, scope, spectrum analyzer. iMSO-104.
    Oscium is a branch of Dechnia, LLC (Oklahoma)
  • Owon. Low-cost hand-held and benchtop digital scopes (Cina).
  • PTS. Programmed Transmitter Sources: RF generators.
  • Pico Technology. USB scopes and similar.
    Distributors: US: PC oscilloscopes, IT: PcbTech
  • Rigol. Low-cost instrumentation. (Ohio).
  • Saelig. Low-cost instrumentation. (New York state).
  • Signal Hound from . Low cost USB spectrum analyzer; 1 Hz - 4.4 GHz. (Washington, USA).
  • Spectran. Spectral analyzers, Antennas, EMF sensors, RF screening. (Germany).
  • Tektronix measurements, communications and video testing. Worldwide.
  • Tequipment.Net, a large US test and measurement equipment dealer.
  • Test Equipment Depot, a large US instumentation distributor.
  • Test Equipment Plus reconditioned equipment and repairs. (Washington, USA).
  • TiePie. PC based measuring instruments such as USB scopes.
  • USB Instruments. USB scopes, and logic analyzers, ..
    Distributors: UK: EasySync; DE: Meilhaus Electronic
  • Velleman Projects instruments. USB scopes and much more.IT Distributor: Distrelec
  • Virtins Technology Low-frequency, low-cost virtual PC instrument. Singapore.
  • Used equipment:
  • Agilent CertiPrime program.
  • Elpav Instruments (Italy).

COMPONENTs Producers and specialized Distributors

  • Actel . Low power FPGAs.
  • Altera. FPGA chips.
  • AMD processors: Phenom, Opteron, Turion, Athlon, Sempron, embedded, ..
  • Analog Devices. Components, ADC's, DACs, Embedded, DSP, RF/IF, Power, DDS, ..
    See this page list of all ADC's (with prices).
  • ARM. Home of the popular ARM processor.
  • Fairchild Semiconductor.
  • Hitachi electronic devices, semiconductors and materials.
  • Intel processors: Dual-core, Quad-core, Centrino, Xeon, embedded, ..
  • Johanson capacitors. Special ceramic capacitors.
  • Lattice Semiconductor. CPLD and FPGA chips.
  • Linear Technology. Broad range of IC components.
  • Maxim. Power-supply, analog, linear, mixed-signal, .. IC's.
    See this page list of Maxim fast ADC's (with prices).
  • Microsemi. Mixed-Signal integrated circuits, discrete semiconductors, RF components.
  • National Instruments. Components, instruments, ..
  • NXP, the semiconductors branch of Philips (largest in Europe).
  • Pericom. Bus switches and translators - plus a lot more.
  • Polyflon capacitors.
  • ST Microelectronics. European broad-range colossus.
  • Texas Instruments. Analog, Discrete, DSP, .. components.
  • Voltronics. Amagnetic tuning capacitors, ceramic capacitors.
  • Xilinx. FPGA chips, software, development kits, ..
  • Zilog microcomputers, microcontrollers, DSP's, embedded ..
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MATERIALS and their Suppliers

  • Materials Producers:
  • Litz-wire manufacturer in Ohio.
  • Morgan Advanced Ceramics. High-tech ceramics like the machinable Macor.
  • New England Wire Technologies. Special wires, Litz wire, etc .. USA.
  • OR64. High-frequency Litz wire manufacturer in Spain.
  • Polyflonelectroplated teflon and capacitors.
  • Spectran. RF and magnetic screening materials. Germany.
  • Trans Tech. Ceramic resonators & filters, magnetic materials, ..
  • Materials Distributors:
  • Franco Corradi. Special ceramics, Peltier elements, temperature sensors, etc. (Italy).
  • Kompass. Looking for a material? Find a distributor wirld-wide!


Separate categories: Signal I/O, RF/MW, Printed Circuits, JTAG & Boundary scan, USB to X

  • ARC Electronics. Communication equipment: WAN, LAN, Data links, ..
  • Data Device Corporation (DDC). Support for MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-429, High Speed 1760. Plus more ..
  • Freescale Semiconductor, embedded solutions specialists.
  • GMW Associates. Magnetics distributor based in California.
  • Innovation First, educational and competitive robotics products.
    Under the same roof: Hex Robotics, Robot Events, HexBug, and Rack Solutions.
  • Parallel port specialists. IEEE 1284.
  • Power Designers specialize in industrial battery-powered systems.
  • Pyramid Car Audio. Their amplifiers and power upplies have broader applications.
  • Quazar Electronics. Electronic Kits Megastore .
  • Velleman Projects. Kits and Instruments.IT Distributor: Distrelec
  • Signal I/O, conditioning, DACs, ADCs, ..
  • Advantech. PC-based data acquisition & systems, including USB and remote I/O.
  • B & B Electronics. Industrial connectivity; remote I/O. Illinois, USA
  • Contec. PC-oriented data acquisition & systems. USB I/O.
  • Femto. Signal recovery modules (amplifiers, receivers).
  • IO Tech. Data acquisition modules and boards.
  • Kinetic Systems. Data acquisition products and services (particularly PXI boards).
  • Measurement Computing Corporation. Lots of solutions. Massachusetts, USA.
  • National Instruments. Data acquisition systems, data evaluation software.
  • Stellamar audio ADC boards.
  • Wuntronic GmBH. Sale & production of measurement/control devices. München (Germany).
  • RF / MW [sub]systems, design, and service
  • AEA Technology. Vector analyzers, SWR meters, antennas & cables testing. California, USA.
  • Aerocomm, Div3. Communication equipment (isolators, circulators, power amplifiers, ..). Thailand.
  • Anatech electronics. RF filters, cable assembies, connectors .. Worldwide.
  • Applied Radio Labs. RF Designs and Tools, VCO's PLL's. Australia.
  • AR2 Communications Products. Good and affordable MR preamplifiers for all tastes and fields ..
  • AR. RF amplifiers, transient generators, antennas, EMC test systems, EMI receivers ..
  • Bird Technologies. RF components and power meters. Ohio, USA.
  • Broadband Power Technology. RF power amplifiers. Utah, USA.
  • CPC (Communication Power Corporation). RF power amplifiers. New York, USA.
  • Empower RF Systems. RF power amplifiers. California, USA.
  • Herley. RF & MW assemblies (power amplifiers etc).
  • Miteq. RF & MW components and assemblies (preamps etc).
  • RM Costruzioni Elletroniche. Power amplifiers for nautical and CB bands. Italy.
  • Narda Microwaves. Passive and active components up to 18 GHz.
  • Nova Engineering, RF, digital and embedded design. Cincinnati, USA.
  • NuWaves engineering, RF subsystems and design. Ohio, USA.
  • Ophir RF. RF power amplifiers.
  • PTS. Programmed Transmitter Sources: RF generators.
  • RedMan CB Stop. CB radio equipment & supplis. USA.
  • Richardson Electronics. Radio and MW components. USA.
  • RF Parts Company. Distributors of amateur, commercial and broadcast communications equipment. USA.
  • TOMCO Technologies. Pulsed/CW RF/MW amplifiers. Australia.
  • TrolleyScan promotes the RFID radar concept. See also. (South Africa).
  • Wireless Design Online, an online 'distributor' (USA).
  • Printed circuits production
  • Advanced Circuits. All about printed circuits, and they print them, too.
  • SPCB, Standard Printed Circuit Board Ltd, full service PCB manufacturer in Hong-Kong, China.
  • PCBFacile. An Italian producer of simple PCB's.
  • PCB Project. An Italian producer of simple PCB's.
  • San Francisco Circuits, PCB design, fabrication and assembly (California,USA).
  • Sunstone Circuits, a PCB printing Company (Oregon,USA).
  • JTAG services and Boundary Scanning:
  • Corelis Boundary Scan / JTAG tools and software. ScanExpress JET.
  • JTAG technologies specialize in boundary scan testing.
  • Mediatronix. Free PicoBlaze IDE, FIR, DDC and JTAG tools (click on tools).
  • USB to X Converters, USB accessories:
  • ARS Technologies. USB to ISA / PCI. California, USA.
  • B & B Electronics. USB to serial; USB isolators and extenders. Illinois, USA
  • ByteRunner Technologies. Various USB adapters and other connectivity hardware. Tennessee, USA
  • FTDIFuture Technology Devices International. USB chips/modules, some with micros or FPGA's.
    Many modules to convert legacy peripherals to USB.
  • Measurement Computing Corporation converts USB to GPIB. Massachusetts, USA.
  • International Test Instruments Corporation offers USB and PCI-X bus analyzers.

DISTRIBUTORS - supermarkets with large catalogs

Silca Usb-to-serial Comm Port Driver Download For Windows Xp

  • 4 Star Electronics specializes in obsolete components. (USA).
  • ALL Data. A large Italian instrumentation distributor.
  • Allied Electronics. Fast delivery. (USA, Canada).
  • American Microsemiconductor is a huge online store.
  • Applied Telcomm. Telecommunications gear (USA).
  • Avnet. World-wide components supplier to producer and service companies.
    Roof for EBV, Silica and Memec. National branches: IT
  • CIE. Components in Electronics.
  • Componenti Elettronici (Italy).
  • Cooper Bussmann Circuit protection, inductors, super-capacitors. Worldwide.
  • EBV Elektronik, an AVNET Company. Semiconductor devices world-wide.
  • Elektron BBS (Germany).
  • Electronix Express. The site of RSR Electronics in New Jersey. Lots of info.
  • Farnell electronics components. (Worldwide).
  • FCT Electronics. Connectors; have also a-magnetic ones.
  • Global Test Supply a huge instruments distributor (sale or rent).
  • MarVac Electronix (California).
  • Memec, an AVNET Company. Analog, Audio/Video, Interface, Embedded, Comm, .. (Europe).
  • NU Horizons. Advanced semiconductors, display, illumination, .. Worldwide.
  • Reliable Electronics Corporation specializes in obsolete components. Florida (USA).
  • RF Parts Company. Amateur, commercial and broadcast communications equipment. USA.
  • RS online. Fast delivery. Operates world-wide:US,UK,DE,IT.
  • SECO. Embedded hardware; (Italy).
  • Silica, an AVNET Company. FPGA, Memories, Xilinx, PIC, .. (Europe).
  • Transtronics electronics equipment store. (Kansas, USA)
  • Trenz Electonic. FPGA boards, ARM CPU modules, electronic development services. (Germany).
  • Velleman international.
  • Wholesale Electronics equipment store (USA).
  • Wireless Design Online, an online 'distributor' (USA).

Silca Usb-to-serial Comm Port Driver Download For Windows 7

Silca USB-to-Serial Comm Port Driver Download for windows


Silca USB-to-Serial Comm Port Driver Download For Windows

  • Drivers development:
  • EFG Library. Lots of mostly free stuff.
  • Jungo driver development (such as WinDriver) and services.
  • Lakeview Research. Interfaces: USB,Serial,PP,Ethernet, .. Great.
  • TinyPort. Free.
  • TVic. Driver & Ring0 development stuff. Nice and low-cost.
  • Zeal Soft Studio's . Low-cost universal port IO, low-level memory access, ..
  • EMI, RFI, EMC:
  • ANSI ASC C63-EMC standard.
  • CISPR, Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques, part of IEC.
  • EMC Awareness at RA.
  • EMCIA, the UK Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association.
  • IEEE EMC Society Standards Development Committee (SDCOM).
  • RFI/EMI at ARRL.
  • EMC Standards Committee of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).
  • Nanotechnology:
  • Nanotech Briefs. A kind of blog.
  • Organic electronics:
  • Organic Electronics Group at Berkeley University.
  • Wikipedia on organic electronics.
  • Spintronics:
  • Breakthrough In Magnetic Devices Could Make Computers More Powerful.